Maytag Neptune washer repair

This information applies to the following models of Maytag Neptune washers: MLE2000AYW, MLE2000AZW, MLG2000AWW, MLG2000AXW, MAH3000AAW, MAH3000AEW, MAH3000AGW, MAH3000AKW, MAH3000AWA, MAH3000AWQ, MAH3000AWW, MAH3000BGW, MAH4000AWQ, MAH4000AWW, MAH4000BWQ, MAH4000BWW, MAH5500AWQ and MAH5500AWW.

If your Maytag Neptune washer does not spin and the “door lock” light does not come on, there may be a problem with the main control board and door lock motor. The price of a new main control board can be as much as $320. The door lock motor adds around $20. When you add sales tax and repairs, the washer may not be worth fixing.

What we can do to save you money:

While other repair companies will not offer you any other options, in most cases the control board is repairable. We can repair your washer for much less than the price of the control board alone and we can do it the same day. We will upgrade the failed control board components, and will guarantee the control board against the same failure for full 1 year. Sounds good? Give us a call (208) 610-3770